Genres Learning is dedicated to provide full support to the student and allow the students to perform at their full potential without any restriction. First step of learning and performing excellent is knowing the syllabus so that one can plan and learn accordingly.
Genres Learning provide free PDF download to every student. We divide syllabus into Unit and Chapter with detailed description.
Knowledge of syllabus palys an important role in the preparation of any examination. It helps in planning a better strategy for upcoming examination and develop the confidence for scoring good marks. So, it is very important to know the latest NCERT syllabus. By knowing the syllabus, students can plan and prepare an effective study plan and start their preparation for examination. We, Genres Learning provide eacg and every support to their students so that their will be no restriction in the success. Students can also download NCERT Book solutions, Sample Paper, Revision notes, Previous Question Paper and a lot more.
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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is a government organization is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established in 1961 which is set up for school education improvement in India. NCERT’s aim is to build a common education system and also to develop educational kits to help students with their studies.
The Objective of NCERT is:
To promote and conduct educational research, experimentation of innovative ideas and practice.
To develop National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005), syllabi, and textbooks; teaching-learning materials and kits; training models and strategies; audio, video, and ICT materials.
Training of Pre-service and in-service teacher education and national and state level functionaries.
To collaborate with State, national and international organizations.
NCERT has a comprehensive extension programme in which departments of the National Institute of Education, Regional Institute of Education, Central Institute of Vocational Education and field advisers' offices in the states are engaged in activities. Several programmes are organized in rural and backward areas to reach out to functionaries in these areas.
Textbooks published by NCERT are prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from classes I to XII, with exceptions for a few subjects. Around 19 school boards from 14 states have adopted or adapted the books.
class 6 SYLLABUS
class 7 SYLLABUS
class 8 SYLLABUS
class 9 SYLLABUS
class 10 SYLLABUS
class 11 SYLLABUS
class 12 SYLLABUS
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is a government organization is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established in 1961 which is set up for school education improvement in India. NCERT’s aim is to build a common education system and also to develop educational kits to help students with their studies.
The Objective of NCERT is:
To promote and conduct educational research, experimentation of innovative ideas and practice.
To develop National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005), syllabi, and textbooks; teaching-learning materials and kits; training models and strategies; audio, video, and ICT materials.
Training of Pre-service and in-service teacher education and national and state level functionaries.
To collaborate with State, national and international organizations.
NCERT has a comprehensive extension programme in which departments of the National Institute of Education, Regional Institute of Education, Central Institute of Vocational Education and field advisers' offices in the states are engaged in activities. Several programmes are organized in rural and backward areas to reach out to functionaries in these areas.
Textbooks published by NCERT are prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from classes I to XII, with exceptions for a few subjects. Around 19 school boards from 14 states have adopted or adapted the books.
class 6 SYLLABUS
class 7 SYLLABUS
class 8 SYLLABUS
class 9 SYLLABUS
class 10 SYLLABUS
class 11 SYLLABUS
class 12 SYLLABUS
The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is a government organization is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India which was established in 1961 which is set up for school education improvement in India. NCERT’s aim is to build a common education system and also to develop educational kits to help students with their studies.
The Objective of NCERT is:
To promote and conduct educational research, experimentation of innovative ideas and practice.
To develop National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005), syllabi, and textbooks; teaching-learning materials and kits; training models and strategies; audio, video, and ICT materials.
Training of Pre-service and in-service teacher education and national and state level functionaries.
To collaborate with State, national and international organizations.
NCERT has a comprehensive extension programme in which departments of the National Institute of Education, Regional Institute of Education, Central Institute of Vocational Education and field advisers' offices in the states are engaged in activities. Several programmes are organized in rural and backward areas to reach out to functionaries in these areas.
Textbooks published by NCERT are prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from classes I to XII, with exceptions for a few subjects. Around 19 school boards from 14 states have adopted or adapted the books.